Thursday, August 25, 2011

Making This My Big Girl Job

So... You may be asking yourself, "Where did she come from!?"  Especially when my eccentricities start to show.  So I'll give you a few tidbits on who I am, where I come from, and how I'm turning my hobbies into my career.

I was born in the great state of Texas but spent most of my teenage years in Massachusetts.  As a child I played with make-up, fought with my hair, and colored my mother's.  I had a fascination with fashion magazines and beauty "how to" books from a very young age and my family always encouraged me to be creative and pursue my passions.

I attended a year or so at the University of Massachusetts Lowell but decided that wasn't the option for me.  Instead I got my Nail Tech certificate from Lowell Academy of Hair Design.  After moving to Tennessee in 2008 (and working a few years in customer service/desk job world) I continued my education at Tennessee School of Beauty.  I was officially a licensed cosmetologist in early June 2011 (FINALLY).  I began my first salon job in June 2011 where I am still working to this day.

My major hobbies include knitting, crochet, sewing, and jewelry making.  I love when people are interested in my creations and I am always happy to make custom gifts for friends and family, but most of my work is done to expand my own wardrobe and keep myself busy.

I'm not afraid to admit, I am new at this.  This is my first beauty career, my first salon job, and my first times using many of the products I'll be sharing my thoughts on.  I do not consider myself an expert on anything, just one who loves and wants to experience everything.

As I learn more, I want to share more.  

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